Createdprovider configuration file: clab.yml Mapped clab_files/l2/daemons to l2:/etc/frr/daemons (from templates/provider/clab/frr/daemons.j2) Mapped clab_files/l2/hosts to l2:/etc/hosts (from templates/provider/clab/frr/hosts.j2) Mapped clab_files/h1/hosts to h1:/etc/hosts (from templates/provider/clab/linux/hosts.j2) Mapped clab_files/h2/hosts to h2:/etc/hosts (from templates/provider/clab/linux/hosts.j2) Createdtransformed topology dump in YAML format in netlab.snapshot.yml Created group_vars for all Created group_vars for modules Created group_vars for srlinux Created host_vars for spine Created host_vars for l1 Created group_vars for frr Created host_vars for l2 Created group_vars for linux Created host_vars for h1 Created host_vars for h2 Createdminimized Ansible inventory hosts.yml CreatedAnsible configuration file: ansible.cfg